Our nationally recognized team has worked together for many years as colleagues and visionaries. They each have strengths that are unique for serving educators in a positive way. Whether you want to implement or improve STEM in your school or district, we can help. We have established a system that works – and it can be customized to your needs. Our collaborative community provides educators the support necessary for a successful STEM program.

Karen Jo Matsler
Founder, Co-Director
Co-Director/Founder STEMexperts Certified Curriculum Specialist-UTA;
UTeach STEM clinical teacher supervisor Former secondary science teacher (Physics, IPC, Biology, MS);
K-12 science coordinator;
PTRA director;
International and National Presenter and Award Recipient

Cathy Barthelemy
Co-Director K-6 Specialist
Co-Director STEMexperts;
Former Executive Director Education Fort Worth Museum of Science & History;
Former elementary science/STEM teacher and facilitator;
Awarded Presidential Award of Excellence Mathematics & Science Teaching;
Einstein Fellowship @ Washington DC

Julie Brenegan
STEM Support Specialist
Consultant STEMexperts;
Currently STEM Liaison - Cannon Elementary: A GCISD STEM School;
Elementary Science Instructional Coach Grapevine-Colleyville ISD;
Teacher - 5th grade; Special Education;
National Presenter - NSTA, NSTA STEM, CAST, Mini-CAST Conferences
Finalist NSTA Shell Science Teaching Award

Jan Mader
Co-Director 6-12 Specialist
Co-Director for Rural PTRA grant (NSF #0138617), retired 2020, taught 44 years high school physics, currently adjunct at Great Falls MSU college, specializations include inquiry-based curriculum and NGSS STEM integrations. Author, curriculum writer for multiple projects and districts.