Let it Glow!


Light is quantized, which means it has specific values depending on the source of the light. Excitation of atoms corresponds to specific energy levels in the atom (quantization). Light with a shorter wavelength (higher frequency) can generally excite atoms to a higher state than lower frequency. This can easily be shown to students by light reflecting off of bright colored paper, golf balls, or being absorbed by UV beads and even certain vegetable oils. Glow in the dark items such as stars, bounce balls, and clothing have always been of interest to students. Experimenting with these light phenomenon helps students understand the basics of quantum!



Resource provided at the NSTA 2024 Elementary Extravaganza
Let it Glow!
Students will:
Recognize that light energy can be transferred to atoms resulting in atoms appearing to “glow”
Recognize increased energy to atoms may be long or short term, but when the energy returns to normal, light is emitted.
Understand that energy transformations can be natural or man-made.